Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Lunch for our Men!

Hello there! So my hubby and I are on a budget and that means momma gets to pack the lunches again:)!!
We know our men like big hearty, yet healthy lunches so, I'm going to share with you what I pack for my hunk!:)
So my fist meal I'm going to share is the Super Burritos! I love making them in bulk and freezing them.
I start by making my pinto beans in a crockpot over night I always make alot and freeze them in smaller baggies, for anytime I need them.

I use Cream Cheese, Beans, Sour Cream( not always), Onions, and Ground Beef or Deer Meat:)..
Sometimes I add Green chilies, and Olives and shredded Cheese.
If I make them for that night I would make 5-10 extra to freeze. For dinner I put avocado and tomatoes on the top with fresh cilantro. YUM!

Big Tortilla shells! I prefer Wheat they are better for you but the hunk wants Flour:)

And there you have it our super Burrito for dinner and the rest in the freezer for Lunches!

The Hunk is happy and the next day or later this week it will be a great lunch that will fill him up!!

 Yum! I like a little jalapeno with mine:)

What do you make for your hunks lunches?
Please share your thoughts!:)


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